In diesem Abschnitt...

Wir betreiben auf jeder Strecke verschiedene Bustypen und haben daher unterschiedliche Gepäckauflagen. Please see below our per passenger baggage allowance and also our large items policy at the bottom of this page with respect to items such as surfboards, snowboards, skis, and bicycles, etc.
Included within the ticket fare per passenger:
Hand Baggage
One standard sized bag with maximum dimensions (H+W+L) of 90cm or 35 inches with a maximum weight of 5kgs.
Checked in Baggage
One standard sized bag with maximum dimensions (H+W+L) of 158cm or 62 inches with a maximum weight of 23kgs.
Large items
For example surfboards, snowboards, skis, bicycles, etc
Bitte beachten Sie, dass große Gegenstände (z.B. Skier, Surfbretter, Snowboards, Ski, Fahrräder, Musikinstrumente, darunter Cellos, Gitarren und Keyboards) und bestimmte andere Gegenstände nicht mitgenommen werden können.
Prohibited Items (All Routes):
- Skis, Surfboards, Sailboards, Golf Clubs, Windsurfers and similar items.
- Musical instruments (including cellos, guitars, keyboards and similar items).
- Wheelchairs (folding / non folding), Battery Powered Scooters.
- Bicycles (folding / non folding), Prams and Pushchairs (Non Folding).
- Weapons, Drugs (other than medicines), Solvents, Live or Dead Animals (other than as allowed under Article 2) Fish, Insects.
- Hazardous chemicals or substances as defined under the Health and Safety at Work Acts.
Should a passenger present himself or herself for travel with any prohibited items, carriage will be denied unless the passenger properly and safely disposes of the prohibited item.
Refunds will not be given to passengers who are denied permission to travel because they are in possession of prohibited items and are unable to dispose of them prior to travel.